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There are 2 ways to support us

Sponsor a child


Helping a child through GIVE THEM A SMILE means financially supporting them to attend school. The cost is USD 100 per child per year, ideally until they either complete their education or no longer require financial support. This will of course depend on the child's motivation, talents and career goals. To get the greatest possible impact from your support, we select bright, motivated children from families who could not otherwise afford to send them to school. We follow them closely and keep you updated on their progress. Any child that you sponsor will write you a letter at least once a year, and you are welcome to do the same.


Make a one-time donation

If you would prefer to support us with a one-time donation, you can contribute toward our range of smaller projects such as

  • Reforestation in Madagascar

  • Food for kids in need

  • School project in the South of Madagascar

  • Extracurricular courses


(More details about these projects are coming soon.)



Let's Make A Change!

Here are some ways you can help:

Online Transfer
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